
St James Catholic College’s fees are set annually.  School fees and levies are necessary to supplement State and Commonwealth grants, provide sufficient funds to operate the College and provide support for the educational environment and structure of the College.

Schedule of Fees 2025

Capital levy $310.00 per family per year
Tuition Fees
Kindergarten $1,650.00 per student per year
Prep-Year 4 $1,920.00 per student per year
Year 5 – Year 6 $2,020.00 per student per year
Year 7 – Year 8 $2,750.00 per student per year
Year 9 – Year 10 $3,020.00 per student per year
Year 5 $150.00 per student per year
Year 6 $150.00 per student per year
Year 7 $300.00 per student per year
Year 8 $300.00 per student per year
Year 9 $100.00 per student per year
Year 10 $100.00 per student per year
Interest on overdue fees 10% per annum where applicable
Additional Costs

Uniform costs


Minimum Costs

The minimum cost of enrolling one child in a primary class for one year is $800.00 based on the production of a specific concession card.

Family Discount

A family discount can be claimed by families with multiple children at Tasmanian Catholic schools or colleges, in accordance with the Catholic Education Commission Tasmania School Fees Assistance Policy. The discount rate is:

3 children10% discount on tuition fees for each child
4 children20% discount on tuition fees for each child
5+ children30% discount on tuition fees for each child
Early Payment Discount

A 5% discount is applied to the Fees payable if payment is received prior to 31 March.

Financial Assistance

There may be some families who don’t enrol their children in Catholic schools because of concerns about the level of fees and levies charged.

Catholic schools are accessible to all families willing to support the Catholic ethos regardless of their personal, financial and pastoral circumstances. No child will be denied a place in a Catholic school because of financial hardship.

Concession Card Discount

Reduced fees and levies are available to families holding a valid concession card. (Click here to download Concession Card information)(Click here to download the Concession Card Application form).

Additional Support

Families who are interested in Catholic education and feel they could benefit from financial support are encouraged to contact the College. Our Finance Officer is available to discuss issues around fee payment. All enquiries are managed sensitively and within privacy guidelines.

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